Summer Termite/Mite

Mondays, July 13 and 20, 3-4 pm

Players take part in a variety of drills and games aimed at improving forward and backward skating, stickhandling, passing and shooting. Players will build on the skills they learned during the winter season.

Group size will be limited to 20 skaters.

Players and parents must agree to COVID policies and procedures. Players are encouraged to dress at home (everything but skates and helmet). There will be limited space in the locker rooms. COVID masks are not required on the ice, but players are encouraged to wear them before and after the ice time. NO SHARING WATER BOTTLES!

Cost: $45


Players will need a 2019-2020 USA Hockey number to register,

Register online through our registration website.

See our Financial Policies for information on registration refunds.


Grace Hoene, Youth Hockey Director
Cell: 612-384-5108

© Copyright 2019 - Glacier Ice Rink | Operated by the Missoula Area Youth Hockey Association, a non-profit organization: Tax ID #81-0512974.
Glacier Ice Rink offers skate sharpening services! Click for details