The Glacier Hockey League (GHL) 2024-2025 winter season has nine divisions to accommodate players of varying skill levels.  Players register either as part of a team or as a free agent (instructions below). Team jerseys are NOT PROVIDED.

Divisions & Nights

CupHighly-advanced players with pro, college or junior hockey experienceWednesdays
Game start times between 8:30-11:30 pm
AdvancedAdvanced-level players with junior or high school experienceMondays
Game start times between 8:30-11:30 pm
CompetitiveUpper intermediate-level players with limited youth hockey experienceSundays
Game start times between 3:00-11:00 pm
IntermediateIntermediate-level players with limited adult hockey experience Tuesdays and 1 game Wednesday
Game start times between 8:15-11 pm
NoviceLower-intermediate players with minimal adult hockey experience. No slap shotsSundays
Game start times between 3:00-11:00 pm
Hang Loose APlayers 35 and older of Cup/Advanced/Competitive levelThursdays
Game start times between 7:15-11:30 pm
Hang Loose BPlayers 35 and older of Intermediate levelThursdays and 1 game Sunday.
Game start times between 7:15-11:30 pm
Hang Loose CPlayers 35 and older of Novice and Intermediate level, or those looking for a more laid-back division (no slap shots)Mondays
Game start times between 8:30-11:30 pm
Women'sWomen's-only division of all skill levelsWednesdays
Game start times between 8:30-11:30 pm

Nights and divisions are subject to change, based on registration numbers.


The season begins Sunday November 3, 2024 and runs for 15 weeks.  All teams will have 14 regular season games and 1 guaranteed playoff game. Winning teams will continue to advance through the playoffs until they’re eliminated or declared GHL Champions.  Playoff division finals are a best-of-three series and will completed by Spring Break.

Games are not played over Thanksgiving (November 23 & 24), the Christmas break (December 19-January 2) and potentially Super Bowl Sunday.


Players: $330

A winter payment plan will be available to those with a stored credit card on file for a $15 fee. Initial down payment is $110. Two additional $110 payments will be processed November 3, 2024 and January 15, 2025.

Goalies: $180

All players must register with USA Hockey to play in the league. You cannot register for the league without a USA Hockey number.


Visit our rules page for all the details.


Players can register online using our Dash Platform.

The onset of registration begins as “private.” Private registration enables team captains to secure returning/potential SKATERS before open enrollment starts. DO NOT SEND INVITES OR ACCEPT REQUESTS FROM YOUR GOALTENDERS.  They have a separate registration field that reflect a different pricing structure.  Captains should also accept or decline all requests from any SKATER looking to join their team in a timely manner. All divisions will also have a Free Agent field to accommodate new players, but spaces are limited.
Private registration ends October 7, 2024.
After the deadline, teams will be removed from the portal and the only option will be for players to register in an expanded Free Agent field. The number of Free Agents spots will depend on the total number of remaining spots for each division. The placement of Free Agents will be negotiated on GHL Draft Night (date, time, and location TBD).

Returning players should receive an invite from their former captain via email through the DaySmart platform.  Accept the invite and you will be redirected to the registration portal.  COMPLETE registration and you will automatically be added to the roster.  Returning players may also send requests to their Captains, as well.  NOTE: Receiving an invite DOES NOT secure your spot on the roster. You must COMPLETE the registration process and pay your league fees before you are officially added to the team.

NEW PLAYERS or those looking to join different teams or change divisions have two options:
OPTION 1: Use the Free Agent field, complete registration, guarantee your spot, and go into the GHL Draft. Spaces will be limited until October 7, but spaces may increase after this deadline if more spots are available. If the Free Agents are sold out, you may get on the waiting list and check back on October 7 to see if more spots have opened. No payment is required to get on the waiting list. Being on the Free Agent waiting list DOES NOT guarantee your spot.
OPTION 2:  Send a “request to join” email to any or all teams through the portal. There is no limit to the number of requests you can send and you can canvass an entire division if you would like. After your request has been received you should receive a yes or no response. If yes, the request response email will give you the option to be redirected to the portal to complete registration or you will see a notification on your DaySmart Dashboard. Just because your request has been accepted doesn’t mean you’re on the team until you COMPLETE the registration process.

Goaltender registration has a different price point and needs to be designated as OPEN ENROLLMENT to reflect the lower fee.  This registration field is on a “1st come 1st serve basis” and GOALIES SPOTS SELL OUT QUICKLY.
Each division will have a separate goalie field listed. For example, 2024-25 Intermediate GOALIE. Using the Goalie option ensures that the correct fees are applied. DO NOT sign directly onto your team or you will be overcharged. You can list your desired team in the comment section of the registration portal or email

See our Financial Policies for information on registration refunds.


Ryan Geiges, Adult Hockey Director
Phone: 406.552.2549

Glacier Ice Rink offers skate sharpening services! Click for details